Anything Mysteries / Paranormal (Cryptozoology, Myths and Legends / UFOs, Ghosts etc) A Scary, Funny, Amazing and Entertaining Blog
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
'Ghost' photographed in historic Scottish castle
Okay, somebody explain this. Every word is true. I arrived at Lauriston House, near Edinburgh, some time before 2pm on Saturday January 4th. In one of the photos you can see my car parked at the left hand side. It was locked and bolted - and the custodian had to switch off the alarm system (motion) when he arrived and unlocked the place. There was NOBODY in the house when I got there. (Several people had rung the bell and knocked the door, wondering if they might see inside.) I took a quick series of photos. On bringing them up on my computer, I was going to edit them a bit, but noticed the strangest thing – a figure at one of the windows, who I SWEAR was not there when I arrived. I have not edited this photo in any way. It is exactly as it came on the camera. (Okay, I drew a red arrow to one of the windows so you know where to look.) I have enlarged the insert of the window, and added “smart fix”, just to sharpen it up a bit. Now, say what you want, but there is a figure at that window, and they are not wearing modern clothing. Additionally, I had taken another couple of photos in quick succession – which you can see here, and the figure appears to have moved! (Enlarge the image and have a look for yourself.)
I give you my word:
(1) There was NOBODY in the house when I arrived. It was bolted and shuttered, apart from a couple of upper-floor windows. The place was deserted and in darkness. Nobody arrived until around 15 minutes after I got there, when the custodian opened it up.
(2) I have NOT manipulated the pictures (apart from the red arrow).
As an aside, I once spoke to a lady (no names at this point) who hates being alone in that house when locking up and setting the alarms. She swears (and I have no reason not to believe her) that on one occasion while looking in a cupboard, and was pushed hard in the back, knocking her forward, but there was nobody there. And on another occasion, alone in the house, and while in the kitchen area, the large gong in the hallway rang out. Seriously creepy. (Edit) Just to clarify... I was performing there this evening, and arrived before the custodian. I had to wait for him to unlock the door to permit entry AND switch off the (highly sophisticated) security system. Anybody moving in the house would have set the alarm off!)
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Incredible 'angel in the sky' caught on camera thanks to weather phenomenon
A man out hillwalking in the U.K. has captured stunning photos of a weather phenomenon that has been compared to an “angel in the sky.”
Lee Howdle was out walking in the Peak District National Park in Derbyshire, central England last week when he noticed the spectacular misty shadow, according to news agency SWNS.

“This effect is produced when an observer stands above the upper surface of a cloud – on a mountain or high ground – with the sun behind them,” it explains on its website. “When they view their shadow the light is reflected back in such a way that a spooky circular ‘glory’ appears around the point directly opposite the sun.”
The EarthSky website explains that the shadow cast in the weather phenomenon “may appear enormous and has a ring around it.”
Source :
SPI Investigates and the process at haunted Sungai Pari Tower, Malaysia
"SPI travelled to Ipoh, Malaysia to investigate the Sungai Pari Tower. We found out that this housing flat used to be the tallest housing flat during its time and there have been many cases of suicide associated with it.
Situated along Jalan Gurdial Singh Gill and on the bank of Sungai Pari, just a stone's throw from the iconic Ipoh railway station.
There were many deaths in this forsaken building. Here's a few of them:
Oct 1966 - Chan Wah Chai (28), bill collector, fell from 11th floor
23 Apr 1967 - Kam Choon Yee (27), vegetable seller, fell from 11th floor
30 Jun 1967 - Khoo Ah Mooi (25), housewife, fell from 13th floor
12 Jul 1969 - Kathoon Mohamed Rawther (50), wife of foodstall owner, fell from 9th floor
We went all the way up to the 8th storey on the night of our investigation found a unit suitable for our setup. As we were preparing our equipment, we heard the howling sounds of some stray dogs downstairs. A couple of our guys also saw a white female figure coming out of the kitchen. We used a Ghost Meter Pro to ask questions and get responses and there were actually some. We found out that the spirit we were communicating with was male. But when I asked, "Are you happy that we are here?" The Ghost Meter Pro flickered twice for no.
When I downloaded footage from our night vision camera, orbs which are commonly thought of as spirit orbs were captured. There was also the EVP recording that captured a low male voice cursing which we didn't hear when we were on site. Even when we were just checking out the building, the action cam I had just tightened actually fell off from the tripod I was holding."
Friday, February 7, 2020
Sunday, February 2, 2020
SPI on Possessed
The below contents have not been scientifically proven by medical science to be accurate. Information are based on research from the Singapore Paranormal Investigators - Spiritual and Cultural Belief Department and experience from eye witnesses' accounts. Advice are provided from individual spiritual healers from different religious school of thoughts and believe. The History Possession is a preternatural phenomenon which happened not only in this century but centuries and centuries ago. Most religious text have documented preternatural possession happenings from thousands of years ago. The cure for this phenomena is know as Exorcism. The Science Medical Science believe that there is always a reasonable and rational explanation that possession is not real. On a theological and psychiatric level, a subject could be suffering from "Temper-lope Censure" which is a form of epilepsy. This form of chronic seizure can normally be caused by the malfunction of the human brain's electrical activities . In some cases, the subject can experience hallucinations, delusion, hyper psychological thoughts and hyper religious thoughts. They can act in a hyper violent manner when threatened or provoked . The Spiritual point of view Possession occurs when a spirit /demon took possession of an individual's physical body. Most common situation before a person gets possessed: 1) Infestation 2) Oppression 3) Possession Infestation Infestation is when a spirit / demon is active in a space or area. They have attached their energy or made their mark on material things or places. Its like the entity claim ownership of the house or location . Oppression Oppression happens when the entity focus emotional energy towards a subject , disorientating ones' mental state. Feelings of anger, sadness will overcome the victim, leading to depression. Possession The Final stage of spiritual attack is when the entity has control of a subject's physical body. Meaning the Subject has no control of himself. Acts of violence , vulgarity or supernatural behavior can be projected. Types of possession 1) Spirit possession Spirits are remembrance of a human's consciousness. They need energy to manifest or to portray acts in our realm . They are weak if no source of energy is found. Spirit possession is temporary. As fast as minutes to days. Subject can be healed easily . 2) Elemental spirit possession (*new) Elemental are the spirits of nature. They have no physical form and dwell in the elements of nature. Eg: Tree spirit, earth spirit, water spirit, forest spirit, mountain spirit etc. They too can be in the form of animals and beasts. Only when provoked than they attack by possession . Subjects being attacked can take weeks to purge them out of a physical body. Normal cases can be solved / cured by apologizing or by doing an offering to them, asking for forgiveness. Subjects can be cured upon sincere apologizing and spiritual display of faith. Demonic possession Demons are from the darkness in the lower relm. They existed from the begining of time. Demonic possession can be destructive. Subjects' lives can be on the line. Hardest case to solve of possession ever documented are demonic possessions. Subjects need to seek professional help from experience or powerful spiritual healers. What leads to spiritual possessions? - Disrespecting the spiritual realm - Exploration of unknown places rumored to be haunted - Exploration of board games like saucer fairy (asian) , ouiji board (western ) - Devil worshiping - Black magic and curses Word of Advice If any case of possible possession occurs, do not handle it by yourself . Seek help from spiritual experts like monks, taoist priests , pastors , fathers , parawats and last but not least a Psychiatrist. Information/Research by Kenneth Jee Head of Spiritual and Cultural Belief Department of Singapore Paranormal Investigator
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Monday, January 13, 2020
EMF detectors, communication with EMF ghost meter with ghosts video
EMF Detectors
We are not Ghostbusters and we are only Investigators, the equipments only captured datas and not Ghost!
What do EMF meters measure? In day-to-day use, electromagnetic field (EMF) meters are used to diagnose problems with electrical wiring and power lines and to get readings on working appliances.
EMF meters detect fields emitted by moving electrically charged objects. Electromagnetic field theory lies at the combination of an electric field, produced by a charged object, and the magnetic field created when the charged object moves.
Electromagnetic fields are created using alternating current and direct current, but with different results. EMF meters measure fields produced by alternating current – the type of electricity surging through your microwaves and television. This current moves back and forth.
How to use a ghost meter to communicate (video)
Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF)
EMF does stand for electromotive force in electronics engineering (also known as voltage), but in the world of “ghost” hunting it is more recognized as an acronym for electromagnetic field. There are conjectures that EMF is correlated either with
(1) induced illusions of ghosts or
(2) the presence of actual spirits.
Ghost causes EMF fields and need energy to manifest? Our question is what type of evidence is available to prove that a ghost causes or even raises an EMF field?
Like everything else in paranormal research, it’s open to debate. 98% of the time, EMF is caused by "unshielded" wiring or some other man-made source. However, when you encounter an EMF fluctuation with no apparent cause (i.e., a higher reading outdoors, many meters away from the nearest power line or electrical outlet or no possible EMF at a particular venue) *in addition* to other activity (EVPs, anomalous photos, etc) or EMF in atmospheric effects.
EMF in atmospheric effects – Connections with water vapor, water molecules, atmosphere temperatures. As well as absorbing radiation, water vapor emits radiation in all directions. Much of this energy will be recaptured by other water molecules.
The water molecule, in the gaseous state, has three type of transition that can give rise to absorption of electromagnetic radiation. ie Rotational transitions, Vibrational transitions & Electronic transitions
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water depends on the state of water.
SPI also discovered the presence of EMF on our hands of sweaty palms.
In high doses EMF can be really unhealthy. They can make you see things that are not there, black spots, dizziness, nauseas, headaches, make you feel like you being watched, hallucinate….etc.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
This MTV, behind looks like someone or ghosts jumped
This MTV, behind looks like someone or ghosts jumped?
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