Monday, January 13, 2020

EMF detectors, communication with EMF ghost meter with ghosts video

EMF Detectors

We are not Ghostbusters and we are only Investigators, the equipments only captured datas and not Ghost!

What do EMF meters measure? In day-to-day use, electromagnetic field (EMF) meters are used to diagnose problems with electrical wiring and power lines and to get readings on working appliances.
EMF meters detect fields emitted by moving electrically charged objects. Electromagnetic field theory lies at the combination of an electric field, produced by a charged object, and the magnetic field created when the charged object moves.

Electromagnetic fields are created using alternating current and direct current, but with different results. EMF meters measure fields produced by alternating current – the type of electricity surging through your microwaves and television. This current moves back and forth.

How to use a ghost meter to communicate (video)

Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF)

EMF does stand for electromotive force in electronics engineering (also known as voltage), but in the world of “ghost” hunting it is more recognized as an acronym for electromagnetic field. There are conjectures that EMF is correlated either with

(1) induced illusions of ghosts or
(2) the presence of actual spirits.

Ghost causes EMF fields and need energy to manifest? Our question is what type of evidence is available to prove that a ghost causes or even raises an EMF field?

Like everything else in paranormal research, it’s open to debate. 98% of the time, EMF is caused by "unshielded" wiring or some other man-made source. However, when you encounter an EMF fluctuation with no apparent cause (i.e., a higher reading outdoors, many meters away from the nearest power line or electrical outlet or no possible EMF at a particular venue) *in addition* to other activity (EVPs, anomalous photos, etc) or EMF in atmospheric effects.
EMF in atmospheric effects – Connections with water vapor, water molecules, atmosphere temperatures. As well as absorbing radiation, water vapor emits radiation in all directions. Much of this energy will be recaptured by other water molecules.

The water molecule, in the gaseous state, has three type of transition that can give rise to absorption of electromagnetic radiation. ie Rotational transitions, Vibrational transitions & Electronic transitions
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water depends on the state of water.

SPI also discovered the presence of EMF on our hands of sweaty palms.
In high doses EMF can be really unhealthy. They can make you see things that are not there, black spots, dizziness, nauseas, headaches, make you feel like you being watched, hallucinate….etc.